Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Ninja Diet Intro

Ninja Diet is an all new way of Diet life style.   learning how to shop, cook and bake no oil vegan based on the principles in Dr. Esselystyn's "How to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease" book. With absolutely ZERO restaurants, vegan and without oil food, we are interested in exploring what other opportunities exist to socialize with others what we eat! We'd also like to share our experience with like -minded individuals or couples interested in learning how to cook with alternative, healthy and/or organic foods and products. 

Enough already.

Ninja diet a no oil plant-based food that eliminates dairy products, in combination with exercise, and stress management, can not only prevent heart disease, but may also reverse it.13,14 It is time to bring humanity back into health and.
 The Diabetes Prevention Program proved that lifestyle changes are more powerful than drugs for preventing diabetes.And in 2006, PCRM’s research team showed that a plant-based diet was a powerful treatment for people with diabetes. Avoiding dairy products helped participants slim down, cut their blood sugars, and
reduce their need for medicines.

Ninja’s Guide for Healthy Living.

• Exercise is important, but jogging is for wimps.
Plenty of exercise can be had leaping from bushes
and kicking joggers in the head.
• Laughter is medicine. Ninjas practice the art of inappropriate laughter. Laughing when hearing about cancer also shows the Ninja’s strength.
• Ninjas occasionally, without warning, stab friends with throwing stars. Life is random. Ninjas embrace this fact of life.
• Killing the wrong person happens. Ninjas know this. It’s useless to live in the past.
• Fiber in your diet is important. Ninjas eat the shirt off of a complete stranger’s back at least once a week.
• Sex is extremely important to one’s physical and mental health.
Ninjas therefore fantasize about sex two, three, maybe seven times a day.
• Everyone knows yoga classes are filled with women.
Ninjas prove their strength and impress the ladies by killing the yoga instructor.
• Samurais are the source of much stress for Ninjas. They think they’re soooooo cool with their armor and swords and those awesome helmets. It’s in a Ninja’s best interest not to think about such things.

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